Clematis tashiroi
Maxim., Bulletin de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St-Petersbourg 32(4): 477. 1888. (Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersb.)
Sasaki, Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 18: 166. 1928. (Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formos.)
Clematis longisepala Hayata
Clematis tozanensis Hayata
Clematis yingtzulinia S. S. YingS. S. Ying, Quarterly journal of Chinese forestry 20(4): 127. pl. 2. fig. 3. 1987. (Quart. J. Chin. For.)
中塔山仙人草. 八重山仙人草. 琉球大蓼. 田代氏女萎. 長萼鐵線蓮. 琉球鐵線蓮.
英Tashiro's clematis.
日とんざんせんにんそう. やえやませんにんそう.
Yang, A list of plants in Taiwan . 1982. (List Pl. Taiwan)
Liu, Illustrations of native and introduced ligneous plants of Taiwan . 1961. (Ill. Nat. Intr. Lign. Pl. Taiwan)
- Scandent perennial woody vines. Stem green, sulcate, sparsely pubescent, glabrous at maturity.
- Leaves ternately or pinnately compound, subcoriaceous or chartaceous; petioles tendril-like, 5.2-9.4 cm long, connate at base and widely expanded; stipules absent. Leaflets 3 to 5, 4.3-22.5 cm long, 3.1-12.5 cm wide, cordate or ovate; apex acuminate; base cordate; unlobed; margin sparsely serrulate, rarely entire; glabrous on both surfaces; main veins 5, nerves flat or sunken on adaxial side, elevated on abaxial side; petiolulate.
- Inflorescence a dichasium or cyme, axillary; pedicels glabrous, trichotomously branched; bracts and bracteoles elliptic-lanceolate or subulate, subcoriaceous, glabrous on adaxial side, sparsely velutinous on abaxial side. Flowers 3.0-5.0 cm diam. Sepals 6, sometimes 5 or more than 6, dark purple, spreading, 1.8-3.0 cm long, 4-8 mm wide, oblong-lanceolate; apex acute; base cuneate; yellowish-brown and glabrous inside, dark purple and densely velutinous outside. Stamens numerous, glabrous, centripetal, inner ones shorter ca. 6-8 mm long, outer ones 1.5-2.2 cm long; anthers narrowly elliptic or linear, dehiscence lateral, longitudinal; connective long excurrent beyond pollen sacs, 0.6-2.0 mm long; filaments linear, flat.
- Carpels numerous, white sericeous. Fruits 4.6-7.4 cm long; achenes 6-8 mm long, narrowly ovate or elliptic, compressed laterally, dark brown, sparsely velutinous; style with white or pale yellow hairs.
- 台灣 : Widely distributed from low to middle altitudes (50-2,800 m) on beaches, streamsides, open land and forest margins.
- 世界 : the Ryukyu Islands.
TAIPEI: Pinglin, Yingtzulin, Ying s. n. 1987 (Type of C. yingtzulinia, NTUF). ILAN: Tuchan, Suzuki 4154. MIAOLI: Erpensung, Liu & Ou 275. TAICHUNG: Shaolaiping, Sasaki s. n. 1922. NANTOU: Chichitashan, Yang & Chiang 5883. CHIAYI: Yushan, Kawakami & Mori s. n. 1906 (Holotype of C. longisepala, TI!), Nakahara s. n. 1906 (Holotype of C. tozanensis, TI!). TAINAN: Kuangtzulin, Yang 2445. KAOHSIUNG: Likuang, Yang 3124. PINGTUNG: Shuanliu, Yang & Hung 3307. TAITUNG: Lanyu Isl., Chang 14917. HUALIEN: Temple Cheankuangsi, Peng 7395.
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